

Pemilihan Bahan Baku

Proses 1

Tahap 1

Kami memilih bahan terbaik untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik pula.



Bahan Baku

Proses 2

Tahap 2

Kayu Log disimpan di daerah hutan yang terbuka agar air yang terkandung didalam kayu dapat menguap. Setelah itu log dikirim menuju sawmill.



Cross Docking

Proses 3

Tahap 3

Ketika Log tiba, maka log siap diproses.

wood processing

Produksi Material

Pengolahan Kayu

Proses 4

Tahap 4

Di Sawmill, log akan dipotong dalam bentuk papan dan kemudian di molding untuk dan dikeringkan.


Proses Terakhir


Proses 5

Tahap 5

Pengepakan dan pemuatan merupakan proses paling akhir sebelum container dikirim kepada para pembeli kami.

Export Quality Wood Working 13

Siap di


Proses 6

Tahap 6

Pengiriman produk ke mancanegara di seluruh dunia.


Perusahaan kami adalah produsen dan perusahaan perdagangan, kami memiliki produksi lantai dan produksi kayu lainnya seperti laminating dan jari kayu sendi.

SVLK Certified Wood Company Indonesia...

CV Grand Indo Timber will implement its best efforts to avoid trading and sourcing wood from the following categories as a minimum.

  1. Wood from forest where traditional or civil rights are violated.
  2. Forest areas where High Conservation Values (HCV) is threatened.
  3. Wood from genetically modified (GM) trees.
  4. Wood that has been harvested illegally.
  5. Wood harvested from areas which have been converted from natural forest to plantations or for non-forest uses.

We do all we can to ensure that our products are always improving in every respect: trends, ease of installation, durability and more. This passion for innovation also applies to our responsibility towards the environment. We primarily work with Landes pine from sustainably managed and cultivated forests.

We do not waste anything and are virtually self-sufficient in terms of energy expenditure. In effect, 100% of wood materials are used or recycled as part of numerous transformation processes. We supply our wood-fired boilers with our sub-products: tree materials not used for fitting and decoration products are used by the group’s paper subsidiary.

Our Video Documentation

Wood Working Processing Video